2023 Favorite Photos …

Here’s a gallery of some of my personal favorites of all the photos I took in 2023.

I start out each year by archiving my previous year’s photos onto a removable hard drive, mainly to keep my Photos app on my MacBook clear and clean, but also because I’m “that way,” a little bit OCD plus a little bit crazy. This year I decided to go through and pick out my faves from the entire year. This was a typical year for me, with close to 2,000 photos, even though I didn’t travel very much.

I’m lucky to live somewhere where I get to walk every day and I always have my trusty phone/camera/”Mother Box” (you Jack Kirby fans will appreciate that particular appellation). I never get tired of the bridge or the bay or the palm trees or the sun or the clouds or the weird little things (rainbows, pelicans, giant ships) that regularly come into my little corner of the world. Here’s my favorite mainly local (and not so local, but all around San Diego) photos from this year. (Click on any photo to see it larger on your screen and in slideshow mode.)

I took only one major trip this year and that was to the UK in November (scroll down my Home Page and you’ll find a four separate “UK Photo Diary” posts chronicling my visit there, each with a ton of photos). Here are my favorite photos from that trip, including Harrogate (the first four photos) and London (all the rest).

Time to get going on 2024 photos!

Instagram: @gg92118 • @TalesFromMySpinnerRack


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