Yellow …

I had an eye doctor appointment one day, so I took an early ferry over to the mainland from my island stronghold and, with time to kill, took a walk through one of my old stomping grounds: Bankers Hill. (Not that I stomp when I walk, mind you.) I came across this lovely, very yellow... Continue Reading →

Here Comes the Sun …

I have not been posting much lately on here because—quite frankly—my work on my Tales From My Spinner Rack! YouTube channel (unabashed plug!) takes up all my creative time and energy. And let's face it ... I'm retired, so I don't have a lot of creative time and energy! So here's an attempt to at... Continue Reading →

May 2023 Books …

I got a little bit of my reading mojo back in May, thankfully, with seven (count ‘em—7!) books read. Brooklyn by Colm ToibinI first encountered Brooklyn in movie form, in 2015, starring the absolutely wonderful Saoirse Ronan, in a funky movie theater on 23rd Street or so, on a very cold day during a visit... Continue Reading →

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