January 2024 Books …

Lots and lots of Marvel reprint books this time, and two great books on movies to boot, plus one of my current fave mystery characters returns for her fifth installment. Read on, stalwart reader … these are the books I read in January. Hollywood: The Oral History by Jeanine Basinger and Sam WassonThis giant book... Continue Reading →

The Sad, Sudden Demise of My Car …

I lost my car today. No, this is not the ramblings of an old man, roaming around the Target parking lot, forgetting where he parked and muttering curses loud enough for anyone nearby to steer clear. I—unknowingly at the time—was a victim of the San Diego floods of January 22, 2024. If you haven’t heard... Continue Reading →

2023 Favorite Photos …

Here's a gallery of some of my personal favorites of all the photos I took in 2023. I start out each year by archiving my previous year's photos onto a removable hard drive, mainly to keep my Photos app on my MacBook clear and clean, but also because I'm "that way," a little bit OCD... Continue Reading →

December 2023 Books …

Eight books this month, not a record, but a big month for me. I made it to my GoodReads goal of 75 books in 2023, surpassing it by six for a total of 81, so I guess 2024’s goal will have to be 85! Calico by Lee GoldbergI started reading Lee Goldberg’s books—well, some of... Continue Reading →

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